Has long been a favorite activity of mine. From storyboarding, to scripting, to set dressing, shot direction, light rigging, handheld, tripod and rig shooting, all the way to editing, and animating - the cinematic process is one that I've now worked professionally in for 10 years.

Maker X

This is the largest project I’ve done in 3D, after the DNA videos for NYU below. And boy it was a lot of fun to see this project slowly develop from rough stock videos to a refined and powerful story! Had a great time working together with a friend on this too. Always great.

NYU Tandon Online

I currently work at NYU Tandon Online, where I produce videos for our course development and marketing teams. I’ve done plenty of informative infographic animation, as in the case of the ISM supercut. I’ve also made many animated intros, as for the creative coding marketing and image in the expanded field courses, and my favorite, the next generation sequence analysis course, made using Cinema 4D. My other favorite project was the IDM admin videos, because I got to use my iPad to create hand-drawn animations. More recently I had a hand in developing this animated template for our Tandon in the News series, and adding motion to the graphics developed for the 2022 and 2023 Tandon Graduation ceremonies. I also create cool concept stuff when I get a chance to :)


A friend of mine works at Topps as a project manager for their digital apps division. I had the pleasure of working with them on a few projects recently to launch various NFT cards and packs. It was quite awesome to have such free rein to ‘create the most awesome stuff I could imagine’, as well as work with incredible artists and designers, and on some of my favorite brands of all time in the MLB, Bundesliga, and Bazooka Joe.

Davis Wright Tremaine

In a freelance capacity, I’ve recently done a lot of work for Davis Wright Tremaine. Finally able to showcase lots of it! (Fullbeaker Inc.)

I was able to work with a friend in Seattle to produce small social media ads for while he was at Fullbeaker - a media advertising agency. I’ve both worked on animating small pieces on top of self-taped spokesperson videos, and on entirely animated ads. Recently I had to resize some for Tik Toks format. Let’s see how they perform!

The Meat Empire

For a long time, I’ve worked with my brother Quinn to market The Meat Empire. It’s delicious dried meat that was introduced to us by our father. And now I get to act in these projects with my girlfriend Cindy Cabrera. These are often fun simple projects ideated, filmed, edited, acted, and animated by myself. It’s certainly nice to have Cindy’s help these days.

Charity USA

When I was at Charity USA (AKA Greater Good & later Great Life Publishing) I managed the team that produced recipe videos. We got started soon after Facebook began to promote video reach and engagement heavily, so we saw quite the spike in viewership and fans. It was quite fun, exciting, and of course, delicious :)

Also at Greater Good,

We produced these two documentaries about feline friends reached millions. Mr. Pickles received critical acclaim, as it was included in the 2016 SIFF 1Reel Film Festival at Bumbershoot.  And the story was included in Oprah Kids magazine. And From Feral to Farm inspired action around the U.S.A. as it drove many shelters to replicate the program.


I also make songs, and create ads for myself and my art from time to time. Or do silly vids just for the fun of it

Early work

Before Greater Good, from 2011-2014 I worked in a few partnerships and often independently.  In collaboration with photographers, designers, animators, and talent - I filmed, edited, designed, animated, and directed aspects in every single piece.